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Developer Experience
How to run Argos visual testing on Vercel Preview
Guide to run Argos visual testing on Vercel Preview to ensure consistency in production-like environment.
Jeremy Sfez
Argos WebDriverIO Update: Introducing Navbar Masking
Introducing Navbar Masking in Argos's latest WebDriverIO update. A concise solution for mobile visual testing, addressing the challenges of dynamic navbar elements. Enhance testing precision with ease.
Jeremy Sfez
Time-Travel Debugging: A Playwright Traces Tutorial
Dive into the world of efficient CI debugging with Playwright Traces. This guide offers practical insights for developers to effortlessly diagnose and fix failed tests.
Jeremy Sfez
API testing
Enforce API Stability with Zod and Argos
Argos and Zod are the ultimate duo for ensuring API stability across your whole app at low cost.
Jeremy Sfez
Visual Testing
Startup Testing Dilemma: E2E or Not E2E?
In the race of startup growth, maintaining a rapid delivery pace is essential. Yet, to keep that pace, product quality can't take a back seat — it's the shield against disruptive rework and unexpected bugs. While E2E tests stand tall as quality gatekeepers, are they always the right pick? Explore with us to discern the nuances.
Jeremy Sfez
Automating Visual Testing with Playwright, Argos and GitHub Actions
How to automate visual testing with Playwright, Argos, and GitHub CI to review pull-request's visual changes and fix bugs before they make it into production.
Jeremy Sfez
Developer Experience
How to improve developer experience (DX) with visual testing
As a developer, it's important to have confidence in the code you're writing and the applications you're building. One way to achieve this confidence is through visual testing.
Jeremy Sfez
The Importance of Visual Testing in Ensuring UI Quality
Visual testing is a critical part of ensuring the quality of a user interface. It involves comparing the visual appearance of a user interface to a set of predetermined criteria, in order to ensure that it meets design specifications and user expectations.
Jeremy Sfez